PLANETE SAUVAGE épisode 30 ! Cette semaine on va traverser le temps,
l’espace et quelques crises existentielles. On va aussi faire face à des
aurochs, des vampires et un samourai. Musiques de film et extraits
audio sous forme de montages sonores exploratoires...
Exploration 1 :
- Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin "Particles of the Universe" + "The Bathtub" (Beasts of the southern wild, Benh Zeitlin, 2012)
- SQÜRL "The taste of blood" (Only lovers left alive, Jim Jarmusch, 2014)
- (Malmhaus/Metalhead, Ragnar Bragason, 2013)
- Carter Burwell "Goddess of heaven" (Anomalisa, Charlie Kaufman, 2015)
Exploration 2 :
- Ryuchi Sakamoto "Goodbye to Hawk" (The Revenant, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, 2015)
- Jeff Grace "Intruder" + "Crank call and break-in" (Cold in july, Jim Mickle, 2014)
- Chu Ishikawa "A burned figure" (Tetsuo the iron man, Shinya Tsukamoto, 1989)
- Noia "Memories" (Mommy, Xavier Dolan, 2014)
Exploration 3 :
- The Wonderland Philharmonic/Mark Lindsay "The legend of Lone Wolf" (Shogun Assassin-english int. version, Robert Houston, 1980)
- Orbital et Michael Kamen "The Event Horizon" (Event Horizon, Paul W.S. Anderson, 1997)
- Basement Jaxx "The block" (Attack the block, Joe Cornish, 2011)
- Istanbul drom (Latcho Drom,Tony Gatlif, 1993)
- Valentin Dahmani et Delphine Mantoulet et Tony Gatlif "Mecano" (Geronimo, Tony Gatlif, 2014)
Sortie :
- Le Matos "Wasteland" (Turbo Kid, RKSS, 2015)
EXTRAITS AUDIO DE FILMS (en ordre d'apparition durant
l'émission) :
- Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman) "always remember that customer is an individual..." + "how do i talk to a customer..." + "...i have no one to talk to..."
- I Origins (Mike Cahill) "she had the most amazing eyes.."
- Legend (Ridley Scott) "Dreams are my speciality"
- La Jetée (Chris Marker) "ceci est l'histoire d'un homme..." + "l'homme dont nous racontons..." + "la scène qui le troubla..." + "*chuchottements en allemand*"
- The Tin blue line (Erol Moris**) "i looked in all the evidence..."
- The Tenant (Roman Polansky) " is her my dear young man it is her"
- The Tin blue line (Erol Moris**) "...that's the man i saw that man..."
- Event Horizon (P.W.S. Anderson) "videofeed is clear... showtime"
- Shogun assassin "When i was little my father was famous..."
- Event horizon (P.W.S. Anderson) "we got ice crystals everywhere"
- Shogun assassin " cannot escape the shogun"
- Anomalisa (Charlie Kaufman) "everybody needs love"
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