vendredi 25 septembre 2015

PLANETE SAUVAGE : Émission 17 (21 septembre 2015)

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- Carter Burwel "Rock water wind" (Blair witch 2 : book of shadows, Joe Berlinger, 2000) 
- Peter Gabriel "The Promise of Shadows" (The Last temptation of Christ, Martin Scorsese, 1988) 
- Vangelis "Apocalypse des animaux : générique" (L'Apocalypse des animaux, Frédéric Rossif, 1972) 
- David Byrne "Cloud Chamber" (The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharp, 1982) 
- Toto "Robot Fight" (Dune, David Lynch, 1984)

- Resonance (aka Pierre Bachelet) "O.K. Chicago" (Stereo Ultra compilation of french soundtracks) 
- Davie Allan & The Arrows "Blues' Theme" (The Wild Angels, Roger Corman, 1966) 
- Bert A. Shefter et Paul Sawtell "The Three Weirdos" (Motorpsycho, Russ Meyer, 1965) 
- Ramachandra Borcar "Car Chafe" (Camping sauvage, Guy A. Lepage et Sylvain Roy, 2004)

- Busy Bee "Street Rap" (Wild Style, Charlie Ahearn, 1983) 
- Fab 5 Freddy "Cuckoo Clocking" (Wild Style, Charlie Ahearn, 1983
- Public enemy (Kerwin Young) "Sudden death : interlude" (He got game, Spike Lee, 1998) 
- RZA "Samurai Showdown" réarrangé par moi (Ghost Dog, Jim Jarmusch, 1999) 
- Sonic Youth + Cypress Hill "I love you Mary Jane" (Judgment Night, Stephen Hopkins, 1993)

- Stereo Total "end song / credits" (Onna no kappa/Underwater love, Shinji Imaoka, 2011)

EXTRAITS AUDIO DE FILMS (en ordre d'apparition durant l'émission) :

- Drugstore Cowboys (Gus Van Sant) "...never look at the back of a mirror..."
- Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse) "It is like a finger pointing to the moon..."
- The obsolete man episode / Twilight Zone "you're a bug mister..."
- Dune (David Lynch) "The duke will die..."

- Motorpsycho (Russ Meyer) "'re my ticket out of this hell hole..."
- The Wild Angels (Roger Corman)

- Wild Style (Charlie Ahearn) "being a graffiti artist is..."  +  "Hail to the king.."
- Ghost Dog (Jim Jarmusch) "Nothingness speech"
- Do the right thing (Spike Lee) "...and that's the double truth"

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