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Planète Sauvage épisode 33 : en direct ce soir 19h sur CHOQ.ca et disponible en archive audio dès 20h le lien ci-bas. Encore une fois, des montages sonores d’extraits audio de films et de trames sonores dans lesquels dialogueront Jess Franco, Tobe Hooper, John Boorman, Evil Dead, Tekkon Kinkreet, Tangerine Dream, Orbital, Godard, Buckaroo Banzaï et plusieurs autres entités de la planète cinéma.
- Plaid "This City" (Tekkon Kinkreet, Michael Arias, 2006)
- Paul Leonard-Morgan "The rise of Ma-Ma (Dredd, Pete Travis, 2012)
- Orbital - extraits mixés de "Turkish Tension" + "Frank Mirror" + "Frank Car Freak" + "Guns and Party" (Pusher, Luis Prieto, 2012)
- Tobe Hooper et Wayne Bell "Opening Titles" (The Texas chainsaw massacre, Tobe Hooper, 1974)
- Joseph LoDuca "Games" + "Dawn of the Evil Dead" (The Evil Dead, Sam Raimi, 1981)
- Carter Burwell "Marked" (Blair witch 2: book of shadows)- Junior Homrich et Brian Gascoigne "End Titles: Eagle Break" (The Emerald forest, John Boorman, 1985)
- Gerhard Heinz " " (Bloody moon, Jess Franco, 1981)
- Hans Zimmer "S.T.A.Y." (Interstellar, Christopher Nolan, )
- Paul Leonard-Morgan "Ma-Ma's requiem" (Dredd, Pete Travis, 2012)
- Tangerine Dream "Love on a real train" (Risky Business, Paul Brickman, 1983)
- Oingo Boingo "The Forbidden Zone" (The Forbidden Zone, Richard Elfman, 1980)
EXTRAITS AUDIO DE FILMS (en ordre d'apparition durant l'émission) :
- Vivre sa vie (J.L. Godard) ''...les hommes sont les hommes et la vie c'est la vie..''
- Videodrome (David Cronenberg) ''..massive dose of videodrome will change human...''
- Blue Velvet (David Lynch) ''I'll fuck anything that moves''
- Looper () ''..and then it hit me.. i saw a boy...''
- Watchmen (Zach Snyder) ''...destiny did not feed that girl to the dogs...''
- 2001 (Stanley Kubrick) ''...i 'm afraid i can't allow you...''
- Blue Velvet (David Lynch) ''let's fuck''
- Creeping Garden ''... magic lanterns...''
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Tobe Hooper) ''intro radio news''
- Locke (Steven Knight) ''..is to take the baby out..''
- Creeping Garden ''... blob...''
- Lost Highway (David Lynch) - rire
- La pianiste (Michael Haneke) " "
- The one i love (Charlie McDowell) '"... let's not talk about it anymore.. ok"
- Watchmen (Zach Snyder) ''if you already know the future...''
- Timelapse (Bradley King) ''dont fuck with time...''
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (W.D. Richter) ''...we can find a way to travel inside things''
- The one i love (Charlie McDowell) ''it's so crazy.. is it another dimension or....''
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